The Public Health Idaho North Central District’s (PH-INCD) Public Health Preparedness Plan and annexes provide details of PH-INCD’s response strategy to a natural or man-made disaster, communicable disease outbreak, or other public health emergency. PH-INCD has embraced and embedded both the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to include the Incident Command System (ICS) in our planning, training, and exercising efforts.
The dynamics of public health emergency response require continual planning. At a minimum, the PH-INCD plan is reviewed and revised annually and follows these strategies:
The Public Health Preparedness staff provides education, training, and information on individual and family preparedness. Additionally, health department staff work with public safety and response organizations. Community involvement in any emergency situation is critical to regaining the quality of life we have come to enjoy in Idaho, and something that PH-INCD strives to maintain through planning efforts.
215 10th St.
Lewiston, ID 83501