A “solid waste” is defined as any discarded material that is abandoned by being disposed of, burned or incinerated, recycled or considered “waste-like.” A solid waste can physically be a solid, liquid, semi-solid, or container of gaseous material. Solid waste includes garbage, construction debris, commercial refuse, sludge from water supply or waste treatment plants, or air pollution control facilities, and other discarded materials. Solid waste can come from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural operations, and from household and community activities. Solid waste does not include wastes such as solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, or source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by federal law. The management of solid waste can include source reduction, recycling, storage, collection, transportation, processing, and disposal. Examples of solid waste facilities include landfills, composting sites, transfer stations, incinerators, and processing facilities. Such facilities may be publicly or privately owned.
In Idaho there are two general types of solid waste facilities – municipal and non-municipal, each governed by a separate set of state requirements. Municipal facilities include only landfills that dispose of municipal and household waste, or other waste types commingled with these wastes. There are currently no municipal landfills in District II. A non-municipal solid waste facility is a solid waste facility other then a municipal landfill. The Idaho Solid Waste Management Rules, IDAPA 58.01.06, regulate such facilities, and include transfer stations, non-municipal waste landfills, composting sites, and petroleum contaminated soil processing sites. Non-municipal solid waste (NMSW) is solid waste that is not mixed with household waste. All of these types of facilities are found in our region, and are an integral part of our solid waste management systems in each of our counties. The counties are able to reduce transportation and disposal costs by separating and sending non-municipal solid waste to these facilities.
Public Health – Idaho North Central District provides the following services:
215 10th St.
Lewiston, ID 83501